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Software developer (Agile/Scrum team member)

System Architect/Engineering is responsible for defining and communicating a shared technical and architectural vision for an Agile Release Train (ART) to help ensure the system or Solution under development is fit for its intended purpose.

Responsibilities of System/Architect Engineering

System Architect/Engineering are Lean-Agile Leaders who typically have the following responsibilities:

  • Participate in planning, definition, and high-level design of the solution and exploration of solution alternatives
  • Enable the Continuous Delivery Pipeline through appropriate design guidelines and investment advocacy
  • Actively participate in theContinuous Explorationprocess as part of theContinuous Delivery Pipeline, especially with enablerEpics
  • Define subsystems and their interfaces, allocate responsibilities to subsystems, understand solution deployment, and communicate requirements for interactions with solution context
  • Work with customers, stakeholders, and suppliers to establish high-level solution intent, and the solution intent information models and documentation requirements
  • Establish critical NFRs for the solution and participate in the definition of others
  • Operate within aneconomic frameworkwhen analyzing the impact of design decisions
  • Work with portfolio stakeholders, notably the Enterprise Architect, to develop, analyze, split, and realize the implementation of enabler epics
  • Participate inProgram Increment (PI) Planning and Pre- and Post-PI Planning,SystemandSolution Demos, andInspect and Adapt(I&A) events
  • Define, explore, and support the implementation of enablers to evolve solution intent, working directly with Agile teams to implement them
  • Plan and develop theArchitectural Runwayin support of new businessFeatures and Capabilities
  • Work with Product and Solution Management to determine the capacity allocation for enablement work
  • Support technology/engineering aspects of program and solution Kanbans
  • Provide oversight and foster Built-In Quality andTeam and Technical Agility

Developer events

How often?
What to do ?
What is my role ?
Once per day
Daily is to update state toward the sprint goal
1 per sprint
Optional (max 2 per SPRINT)
Team work on ticket descibed by PO (Product Owner)
Ask questions about
Sprint Planing
1 per SPRINT
It can take for:
1 week sprint: up to 2 hours
2 week sprint: up to 4 hours
1 month sprint: up to 8 hours
Meeting where teams decide which tasks to complete in an upcoming sprint and how that work will be achieved.
Sprint Review/Demo
1 per SPRINT
It can take for:
1 week sprint: up to 2 hours
2 week sprint: up to 4 hours
1 month sprint: up to 8 hours
It is NOT a status meeting.

It is an opportunity to elicit feedback and foster collaboration between the Product Owner, Scrum Team, and stakeholders and identify the next incremental effort that can be done to optimize business value.
  • SPRINT - is a short, time-boxed period when a scrum team works to complete a set amount of work.